Sunday, December 11

Family Pictures Sneak Peak

We had our family pictures taken a few weeks ago by our favorite photographer and friend Karin of Karin Davis Photography.  Let's just say thank god she has a two year old or I think by now she would have given up taking Ella's pictures!  Ella was not in the mood to stay still and pose for any of the pictures but rathered run around and make poor Karin chase her!

Here are just a few of our pictures from that day.  I don't want to post to many before my Christmas cards get out or it will ruin all of the fun!
 The dress Ella Kate wore for her pictures we ordered from Castles and Crowns one time when they were on Zulily.  When I got it in the mail I never thought it would fit her!  I can't believe how big she has gotten.
 Can't you tell Ella is so impressed to be held on to while we try to take a cute picture!  She is definitely at the stage where she doesn't want to be held back!
We tried really hard to get one of those cute pictures just showing our legs and having our dear child pose and smile real big.  See how great that worked out for us!  Again, don't hold this kid back or you get some very angry faces!

Thanks again Karin for putting up with us and our lovely 15 month old!  Thank god for your patience!

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