Tuesday, April 14

Is It Not Friday Yet???

It has already been too long of a week! I had so much recovering around the house yesterday from our short trip that I am exhausted! Then of course I had to fight the crowds yesterday afternoon in order to get my supplies for the cake decorating class, food for our poor cat, and food for ourselves... I never want to go shopping again! Ok at least not for a few days :)

Today I finally made it back to the gym for Spin Class and I am so glad I did! It was a great workout and I feel so much better. I had been in a funk for about a week cause I just didn't have the energy to make it to the gym, so I had just been a BUM! Hopefully I can get myself back into my routine.

Since I bought so much stuff for my cake decorating class, I had to have somewhere to put it, which meant... I had to either empty out a cabinet or do some rearranging in our pantry. I chose the pantry since it is so hard to get to anything in there!
Here is the Before...
(I had already taken out some of the stuff when I remembered to take the picture)
Here is the After...
(That empty space is where I plan to put my cake decorating stuff... we will see if it all fits)
Hopefully now I can actually get to everything... If you notice, we have like no food in our pantry but lots of other stuff...we had so many wedding presents and not enough room to put them! I think I got everything for the kitchen that I registered for!
Well I am off to do a little more cleaning and print out some job applications... May 1 is fast approaching and I have nothing!!!!

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