Friday, October 8

One Month Old

Ella Kate - Today you are one month old! Wow I can not believe it! So what have you been up to?

You are wearing size 1 diapers and 3 month clothes (though the waist on most of your 3 month pants are a little big - what can I say you have my butt so you don't fill anything out!)

You eat about 2 3/4 oz every 3 hours - though after your 10:00 feeding at night you usually go 4 hours which makes mom VERY happy! In each bottle you usually get a little over an oz of breastmilk and the rest formula - sorry this momma just can't keep up with you!

You are doing very good on the 'Babywise' schedule and usually stay up about an hour to an hour and half after every feeding and then go down for a nap. You have started putting yourself to sleep in your crib with just a little fussing during the day - though we can't seem to get you to put yourself to sleep at night (though we are working on it)!

You definitely know your mom and dad's voices and if someone else is holding you and you hear us you start to look for us which is really neat!

You love your swing and it can put you to sleep in about 5 seconds! You also love to play on your mat after your feedings and do really well when we have tummy time.

You are a GREAT car rider and are usually asleep before we even pull out of the driveway! That car seat is like your kryptonite!

We love you and can't wait to see what next month brings!

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