Friday, April 8

Seven Months Old!

Ella Kate - Today you are seven months old! I just can not even begin to believe that... time has just flown to quickly! So what have you been up to?
You are 18 lbs 15 oz and 28 inches long

You are still in a size 3 diaper and wearing exclusively 9 month clothes

You are eating Oatmeal and Rice Cereal, Lots of Veggies (peas, carrots, grean beans, sweet potatoes, and squash) and lots of fruits (bananas, pears, apples, and peaches)

You take 4 bottles a day of 6 oz each

You are sleeping almost 12 hours a night from around 7:30 pm - 7:30 am (though we have to wake you up earlier during the week). But you are not a good napper - though I will take the night sleeping over the napping! You usually take a short morning nap, a mid-day nap, an hour or so in the afternoon, and have started needing a late afternoon nap again since you won't take a longer early afternoon nap.

You put absolutely everything you can get your hands on in your mouth (as shown by the picture)

You have begun sleeeping on your stomach. We never put you to sleep like that but that is always how you are when we get you up lately.

You are thinking about crawling but just haven't figured out how to do it and it frustrates you so much! I know you will figure it out soon enough and will be into EVERYTHING!

You were diagnosed today with ANOTHER ear infection and are starting your 4th antibiotic and have been put on Zyrtec to hopefully help with the allergies that you seem to have. We know tubes are inevitable!

You are the happiest sick baby there ever was and you have a ridiculous tolerance for the ear pain that you amaze not only us but also Dr. Calvert! You are definitely your daddy's daughter!
We fall more and more in love with you everyday! You really are a happy and smiley baby and are already growing into more of a little person than a baby. We Love You EKU!

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