Sunday, May 10

Happy Mother's Day and Happy Birthday!!

I just wanted to wish a Happy Mother's Day to both my mom and to Keith's mom. They are two of the most wonderful women I have ever met and raised some wonderful children if I do say so myself! Personally I don't know how my mom put up with me and my brother and I definitely don't know how Keith's mom put up with two boys!!!!!

If you know my mom, this picture sums her up completely! She is CRAZY! My mom teaches kindergarten and has for about the last 17 years. After being around those kindergartner's she definitely doesn't act her age! There is never a dull moment if my mom is around as she can't sit still for more than 5 minutes. Love you Mom!

Here is Keith with his Mom and Dad (I couldn't find a picture of just her or him and her). Keith's mom has lived in a house full of boys since Keith was born 26 years ago! I don't know how she has done it, but she is definitely a great woman for putting up with all of those boys for so long. Maybe one day, she will have a little granddaughter to spoil rotten, I know she would love that! Love you Ms Ronda!

Today is also my Big Brother's birthday! Today Shawn turns 29! Man, he's getting old!!! My brother and I have a great relationship and are pretty close. He is a physical therapist and loves his job, his family, Cane's and Nebraska Football! I love going up to his house and not only hanging out with him and his wife, but also his little guy! Love you Shawn and Happy Birthday!!!

This is him with his little guy. As you can see the little guy likes to match his daddy with his collared shirt.

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