Monday, January 10

Ella Kate Four Months

Ella Kate you are now four months old (well 2 days ago you were, but I wanted to wait until we went to the doctor today so I could have official measurements)! I can't believe how quickly it is flying by! Before I know it you are going to be a year and I will look back and miss these days. So what have you been up to this past month?

You are weighing in at 14 lbs 14 oz - 77th percentile
You are measuring 25 3/4 inches - 93rd percentile
You are still wearing a size 2 diaper
You are consistently wearing 6 month cloths. I had to officially retire the 3 monthers!
You are taking 5 bottles a day of between 6-8 oz
As you can see by this picture you are smiling all the time! We just love to see that smile and your are exceptionally happy in the mornings.
You are able to sit up really well with some support - you prefer that support coming from mom or dad and you just love to sit on our laps.
You LOVE your swing! At your old daycare they called you "The Queen of the Swing" cause you would get mad if they put any other kids in "your" swing. Guess it is a good thing that your new daycare has 4 so you don't have to share!
You still have not rolled over and you really have no interest in it! You would prefer to sit up or stand rather than lay around on your stomach.

You have been sleeping through the night consistently for the past 2 weeks or so. You sleep from 8 pm - 7 am and it is just wonderful!
We put together your Exersaucer this weekend and you are loving it. You just love to stand up so this is the perfect toy for you.
You are taking your first trip to Louisiana this weekend and I can't wait to see how you do in the car for 6 hours.

You are just growing so big everyday and we love you more and more as each day passes! I can't wait to see what the next month will bring us - well besides eating solid foods which we are attempting tonight! Cereal here we come!

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